nun Art Residency

Residenz . 08|2019 . NunArt Guinardó, Barcelona
Mehrere Frauen halten sich die Hand vor den Mund
Kollektiva. während ihrer Recherche im nunArt Guinardó . Foto: Lina Lev

Recherche zu Control is a State of Chaos

Things in disorder naturally move towards order. This implicit tendency is followed on the most basic levels within our bodies, then shutters outward to our behaviors and interactions in everyday life. United not through our cultural backgrounds or artistic histories, we found a chance for unfettered communication through our feminine identities as a collective. Being women, we are subject to a different type of control and freedom based on the relationship between our personal narratives and societal expectations. In this duality we can explore all aspects of femininity and whether there is a place for gender in the modern world.

Die Dokumentation der Residenz Auf Vimeo anschauen.



Isabella Boldt, Clàudia Ferrando, Julia Hehlke, Nana Anine, Larissa Potapov, Doria Worden, Ann-Leonie Niss, Wiebke Schwittay & Lina Lev

Larissa Potapov

Jana Blume

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